Madame's Soiree is a variety show with an avant-garde twist produced by Drew's company, MadArts Co. Described as "an Ed Sullivan Show for a new generation" (Gerry Geddes), each evening features a new group of rising stars in standup, dance, poetry, performance art, songwriting and more performing alongside Broadway "guests of honor." Eccentric patroness Madame Mathieu oversees the proceedings, Drew hosts, and Tyler Spicer directs. The series plays at 9:30 on the third Thursday of the month at the historic Duplex Cabaret Theater in the heart of the West Village. Past Broadway guests of honor have included: Julia Abueva, Jackie Burns, Lindsey Brett Carothers, Lindsay Nicole Chambers, Lauren Elder, CJ Eldred, Brandon Espinoza, Kelechi Ezie, Meghann Fahy, Charlie Franklin, Robi Hager, L'ogan J'ones, Emily Klein, Katie LaMark, Eric William Morris, Josh Page, Chelsea Piers, Zach Piser, Ryann Redmond, Maxx Reed, Emily Rodgers, MiMi Scardulla, Ethan Slater, Marrick Smith, Jason Michael Snow, Allie Trimm, Josh Walden and Elena Wang. |